Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My secret allergy potion!

I love essential oils! I love how they make my house smell, I love that I have found some that help with my allergies, I love that Lavender oil helps soothe my girls and gets them ready for bed! I have thought a lot about taking some classes online for aroma therapy but I'm not sure I truly have the time for it or what I would be able to do with the knowledge if/when I was certified.

Today I want to share my recipe for my secret allergy potion. I get a 15 ml glass amber bottle from the health food store and put 1 drop of lemon oil, 1 drop of lavender, 1 drop of peppermint, 1 drop of tea tree and 1 drop of rosemary. I fill it the rest of the way up with (liquid) coconut oil and rub it across the back of my neck and behind my ears a couple of times a day when my allergies are bad.

I don't use this on my girls because some of the oils aren't safe for children. Click here for a link to a list of safe essential oils for children.

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