Have you ever had to wean a baby? What about sleep training? Ever had a toddler go through a hitting or biting faze? Chances are, if you are a parent, you have! It's hard on the whole family! You feel awful for cutting a hole in the paci or letting baby "cry it out" for 5 minutes at a time. You feel like a bad parent when you have to put them in time out for hitting a friend during a play date.
There are endless websites, books and blogs that contradict each other on the best way to raise a child. From, "Happiest baby on the block." to "Attachment Parenting" and all sorts of others that tell you to let your baby self soothe while another says to never let your baby cry.
The thing is, there are so many different ways to raise children. Sometimes we get caught up in the whole, "It worked for us so it must be the right way to do it." mindset. But the truth is, What works for me might not work for my best friend. What I want to know is why we can't accept that the way we do it might be great for us but it isn't the only way? Why does somebody else have to nurse until the baby self weans just because that is what I'm doing? Why do I have to wean my child on somebody else's time table?
As long as the end result is a healthy, happy baby that is growing and thriving what else matters? Sure, share your tips and tricks! I love hearing new ways of doing things from fellow moms (and dads)! If I try it and it doesn't work for us, oh well! We can still cheer each other on! I love encouraging other moms, it's a tough gig and some days we need a cheering squad.
Do the best you can, spend time with your kids, love them and be an active part of their lives. You're doing a great job!
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