Sunday, July 28, 2013

The making of a wet bag!

I made a wet bag for my cloth diapers! I have a small one for the diaper bag that a friend gave me, but I was just using a trash can as a diaper pail and it wasn’t cutting it for us.
I went to my local fabric store and got 1/2 yard of PUL (polyurethane laminate), which is waterproof diaper fabric. I folded the fabric in half lengthwise and folded over the two edges at the top for the drawstring and sewed them up. Then, with the bag inside out, I sewed up the sides (stopping before I got to the drawstring). I turned the bag right side out and threaded the drawstring and VOILA, I had a wet bag!
Sewing down the edges where the drawstring will go.

once both ends are sewn you will fold the fabric in half inside out like above.

Pin in place.

Start at what will be the bottom of the bag and sew toward the top.
Stopping before you get to the drawstring holes.
It should look like the above picture once you’re done sewing.
Now all you have to do is thread the drawstring!
wet bag
It works great and I love the fabric!

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