When I was pregnant I had some pretty crazy dreams. I am going to post about three tonight... "The Jesus dream", "The ultrasound dream" and "The cartoon dream"
We will start with the Jesus dream... before we had the ultrasound I had a dream one night that we had the baby and it was a boy. We got him home from the hospital and I was loving on him and realized I wasn't holding 'just a baby boy' this baby boy was special because he was baby Jesus! I ran to Chris and said, "Chris, this is baby Jesus!" Chris looked at me like I was crazy and said, "I know"... That was when I woke up. I told my coworkers about the dream the next morning and my boss said, "wow, you think highly of yourself." funny lady :)
The next one is more detailed and a little longer...
A few days before our ultrasound I was really excited to find out if we were having a boy or a girl. I thought about it a lot and could not wait for January 18th to get here! One night right before the big day I had a dream that I overslept (our appointment was at 2:00) and missed it! I was franticly calling the clinic to see if I could come in anyway and they said if I could hurry they would try to fit me in. when I got there my sister, Erin and my aunt Kara were waiting on me. We headed back to an exam room and Erin said she would wait outside while Kara and I went in. When we walked in Kara said, "I can't wait to post on Facebook if it's a boy or a girl." and I said, "Listen, I'm already giving you the baby, can't I at least be the one to tell people if it's a boy or a girl?" she agreed. Once I got into my gown (which you don't really have to wear for an ultrasound) I got up on the exam table. Kara looked at me with a disgusted face and said, "Meagan your feet smell awful!" so I grabbed some alcohol prep pads and wiped them off. Once my smelly feet were clean the nurse walked in with two tubes of blood. I told her that I hadn't given q blood sample and she said, "No these are for you to drink to help with lightheadedness." Chris chose that moment to enter the exam room (where had he been and why did he let me miss my appointment to begin with?) and said, "Well if you are having that what am I having for dinner?"
Dream number three, "The cartoon dream"
Chris and I decided to go out to dinner someplace fancy. When we get there we walk in and look around to discover that everyone in the restaurant is a cartoon except for one table where our friends the Wilson's and their three boys were. They waved at us and acted like everything was absolutely normal. As we are eating out dinner another couple walk in and they too are real people, it is the bachelor and some girl that won't stop crying because she thinks she is about to be eliminated (I don't even watch the Bachelor).
So that is it for tonight. I hope you enjoyed this evenings look into the unconscious mind if a crazy pregnant woman :)
So funny!! Dreams are so fun!!