Thursday, February 20, 2014

Citrus Lame!

On citrus Lane's website they say, "Tell us your little one’s age (from newborn to 5-years-old) so we pick just the right products for your box." You fill out a little profile on your child and they say they will send you a personalized box for your child with age appropriate items. I filled out my profile, they auto drafted my checking account and I waited two months for my first box! When it finally came I grabbed my 2 year old and we opened the box together and I was a little disappointed...
 First off, I don't think this is worth $25! I got a 20 pack of hand wipes, a 20 pack of band aids, a coloring book and markers, a 4 pack of mini cardboard puzzles and one snack size pack of Annie's cheddar bunnies.
At first glance it doesn't seem too bad right? Well, in the profile that I filled out about my daughter (two months ago) I told them that she was 2... The puzzle pack and the coloring book & marker set are for ages 3 and up! She gets mad at the puzzles because they are too hard for her. As for the coloring book and markers... who thinks markers are a good idea for a two year old? She was covered in a rainbow of colors from her face to her shirt... Hopefully it washes out.

Coloring book 

Now, the things we got were cute but I really don't think it was worth $25. I believe I could get her similar (age appropriate) items for less.
All in all I wasn't impressed by Citrus Lane because the stuff was not age appropriate and it took two months to get my box after they drafted my checking account. It is a neat way to try new things if you don't have time to shop or if you have older kids that can play with the items you'll get that aren't for the correct age group. I liked some of the things we got and will save them back for when she is a little older but I won't be getting anymore Citrus Lane boxes.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Keeping it real

I feel inadequate 98% of the time. My house us usually a disaster, there are toys, shoes and laundry baskets everywhere. My dishwasher is usually full and there is almost always at least one pot on the stove. 

My two and a half year old is still in diapers (we are making progress but not pushing). My one year old sleeps in our bed most of the time. 

I'm overweight, my hair is usually pulled up in a top knot, I hardly ever wear makeup. I work part time so I feel judged by both working moms and stay at home moms (weather this is all in my head or not is beside the point). 

I feel like I'm failing all the time! I've got friends that tell me that I make being a mother look so easy... It's not! It's hard, exhausting and emotionally taxing! 

Being a mother is also tremendously rewarding and incredible! When my daughter comes into the bathroom and tells me how proud she is that I went pee pee in the potty, I feel like I'm raising a positive little sweetheart! When she thanks God for beautiful days just because, my heart melts! When she offers to sing me a song to make me feel better when I'm sick, my cup overflows! 

I'm so far from perfect. Some days I'm lucky to not burst into tears! The fact is, none of us are perfect. I have this perception that all of my friends have it all together all the time while I'm over here restarting the washing machine because I forgot I put the towels in there two days ago. I can't be the only one, right? RIGHT!?

I think pinterest have given us all this sense that we aren't doing enough. We see recipes for homemade bread and patterns for homemade Halloween costumes and feel bad for buying that stuff and being "So lazy". I wish I could be lazy for a little while! Motherhood (and adulthood for that matter) isn't a competition!  

I live in a pretty small house with a good 1/3 of it under construction. We've been in the process of a remodel for over three years now (yes, I said 3 years)! That leaves us with two functioning bedrooms and one bathroom (with a tub, toilet and pedestal shower) for a family of four. The two closets we have are tiny and our bedroom is hardly big enough for our bed, Isabelle's pack and play and Chris' dresser. My dresser and Isabelle's drawers are both in my living room. I am embarrassed to have people over because my house is so disheveled and has been since we started this remodel. 

The reason for this post was to let you all know that you aren't alone. None of us is perfect, we all have struggles. Don't let your ideas of other people's perfection make you feel inadequate! You are a rock star! Keep your chin up mamas!