I had a baby shower to go to and left my husband and two of my three kids with him. The youngest was sleeping and our oldest (daddy's girl) was looking forward to some one on one time with her dad while middle sister and I went to the baby shower. I instructed them to not just sit around and watch TV, but to actually work on something together and just enjoy talking and doing something together... I got home to learn that they had watched movies (I'm sure they were both to blame). I kinda lost my mind at that point because I was hoping to come home to a little housework taken off my plate, or at least a little clutter taken care of. I hastily said, "No TV for a week, we are getting stuff done around here and I need help!"
It's Tuesday night and I don't know how I'm going to make it 4 more days with PBS kids to hold their attention long enough to sneak off to the bathroom to pee by myself and sneak a few sips of coffee. How am I going to get the two younger ones to sit still long enough to get some school work done with their sister? HOW will I make that homemade lasagna for supper tomorrow night? Why didn't I think this week's menu through when I laid down the law? Why didn't I plan on frozen pizza and Instant Pot meals all week?
In all honesty it's not going too badly, Sunday morning we were EARLY to church! We were all dressed and fed and looking presentable when we got there and we didn't feel rushed or cranky! We got quite a bit done around the house this weekend too! Monday was a breeze because my middle daughter spent the night at Grandma's and we got school work done in record time before we went outside to stomp in puddles during baby boy's nap time (baby monitor in hand)...
Today, however, was a challenge! My husband left for work a good hour or better earlier than usual and that threw our world into chaos! Our oldest is a daddy's girl and looks forward to morning cuddles and coffee with dad in the mornings but he was gone when she woke up. When she came into our room and discovered her baby brother and I were in there alone (and half asleep after a night of teething terror) she lost it and started wailing, waking her brother and I from half asleep to fully awake. After that we were all a little on the cranky side and all they wanted to do was watch TV, I held fast to my "no TV rule" today but there were weak moments where I thought, "maybe just one show so I can go to the bathroom and then start dinner." but I let them destroy my house (and sanity) instead.

Tomorrow we clean their room while brother naps... or we will binge watch PBS kids all morning, it depends on how much sleep I get tonight ;)
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