Friday, January 20, 2017

I almost had a baby in the car!

Hello friends, It's been so long since I've written a post and I feel like I have a lot to share! I've been absent for the better part of a year because we were surprised with the pregnancy of our son, started homeschooling and nearly had the baby in the car! Now that I feel like we've adjusted to life with three kids I thought I'd post an update and get back to writing!
Here is the low down on the ten minute delivery (and what was almost Interstate delivery)... I had been having contractions between 20-30 min apart on Monday night, Tuesday morning I had an appointment at 10 and my contractions were about 20 min apart. My doctor felt like I was in early labor and did a membrane sweep at 10:00. He said I was at 3.5 cm I went home and got some things together and took a bath. My contractions got stronger and closer together really fast and I told Chris and Ann (our fabulous doula) to head on to the house around 11:30-12:00 They both got to the house at around 12:30 and we headed to the hospital. I had several contractions during the short drive to the hospital and the whole time I was thinking, "I'm probably only at 6-7 cm, I don't think I can handle the natural birth I've wanted." We checked in at the ER at 12:59, my water broke in the ER bathroom where my husband and a nurse had to coax me to a bed because after my water broke, my whole body and every ounce of willpower went into NOT PUSHING. Once they got me into a bed they checked me and I was 9cm! As soon as they had checked me they whisked me down the hall in a hurry and people joined us the whole way to the delivery room. I was surrounded by a flurry of amazing nurses, my amazing husband and our fabulous doula. The ER Doctor came rushing in, checked me and told me I could push if I felt like it, I felt like it, and Wesley was born at 1:09 I didn't even have an ID bracelet, IV or monitors on! It was FAST! The nurses were asking my name as they were handing me my baby! We had about two hours of skin to skin before the nursery nurse came in to check weight and give him a bath. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better outcome or experience!
His sisters were OVER THE MOON when they met him! They have been such amazing big sisters and my love for them grows daily!

There is NOTHING more precious to a mother than her sleeping baby...

Except maybe when they are awake <3

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