Monday, July 28, 2014

Wool dryer balls

When I started cloth diapering a little over a year ago; I heard about wool dryer balls and how they cut down on dry time and static! I found a set of 3 in a local store for around $20 and just couldn't bring myself to spend that much. I figured it was something I could make myself so I set out to do just that! I went to a local craft store and got some 100% wool yarn and began making it into a ball...
Once it's the size of a softball you want to secure the end of the thread and then put your balls in a sock or an old nylon stocking so that you can felt them in the washer and dryer to keep them from coming loose. I use a couple of really long knee high socks I never wore and just put several balls in one sock (knotting the sock between each ball).
I usually wash them with towels because I always wash towels on the HOT setting and it helps them felt better. I also usually wash and dry them twice before I take them out of the sock. 
After they are out of the sock they are ready to live in the dryer full time! 

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