Friday, January 17, 2014

Birth story one year later

It is so hard to believe it's already been a year since my baby girl was born! Time sure flies when you are chasing two little ones around!
My due date was Jan 20th, and after going 10 days past due with my first I was already planning on baby number two arriving sometime closer to the beginning of February.
On Friday, January 11th, I started having pretty regular contractions that lasted all weekend, but they weren't always consistent. I had them off and on from the following Monday until Thursday the 17th.
On the day I went into labor (the 17th) I had a doctors appointment at 8:45 in the morning. When my doctor checked me I was at 3cm and between 70% and 80% effaced. He told me he didn't think I would make it to the end of the day. He offered to go ahead and have me admitted, but I wasn't having contractions so I went home to get ready for work (I was working 11 to 3).
When I got to work the girls surprised me with a food day. We ate and I told them about my appointment and about how my contractions had picked back up around 10:00 and were more intense. I ended up going home at 1:15 and called my husband to come on home, too. I relaxed in an Epsom salt bath while I waited for him.
We got to the hospital around 3:00 and I had progressed to 5 and a half cm! They had me fill out a pile of paperwork and stuck an IV in my hand before taking me to a room (I'm pretty sure I lost half my volume of blood when they stuck me for my IV). I got my epidural between 5:00 and 5:30 and was about 7cm by that point (way sooner than the 9cm I was at when I got my epidural with my first delivery).
My mom, aunt, sisters, brother and nephew came up to the hospital around 6:00 or so and took turns coming in to see me.
At close to 7:00 they put me on Pitocin to get me from 9 to 10 cm. At around 7:30 the nurse had me roll over on my side because baby's heart rate was slowing down during my contractions. That scared me, but after rolling from my left to my right she did better!
By 8:00 I was feeling a major urge to push! I wasn't in pain (thanks to Dr. T and his magical epidural). I just felt a lot of pressure and had to really fight the urge to push. I kept telling my nurse that I needed to push soon, but she said that the on call doctor was about to be in surgery and I would have to wait a while... Uh no, this baby is coming! I told her I was really fighting the urge to push, and she called Dr T back in to give me more pain meds (that I didn't need). When he came in he asked me if I was in pain and I said, "No, I feel pressure and I need to push! You might have to catch this baby." He and the nurse laughed, and she told me that he had to be in that surgery, too. Did nobody care that I was having a baby?! About that time the on-call doctor came in and said something about the upcoming surgery, and I said "I need to push NOW." The nurse checked me, and the baby was less than an inch from crowning! Within minutes they were telling me to push. I pushed twice and she was out!
We spent Thursday and Friday night in the hospital before finally going home. I missed my oldest daughter so much while we were at the hospital, but she did get to visit twice and seemed to have a good time at Grandma and Grandpa's. After we got home from the hospital, my husband went to pick her up and go get my pain meds from the pharmacy. He sent me a picture of her at Walgreens while they were waiting for my prescription to be filled, and I just broke down in tears because I had missed her so much! It was so good to have our little family all together!

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