Saturday, June 29, 2013

The two year old and the boom boom drums

How had it been over two years since Zoey was born? How has it been a year since we found out that Isabelle was on the way? How is it that she is already five and a half months old? Time flies folks! People say, "don't blink or you'll miss something." And boy were they right!
I wish there was a way to explain the joy that my family brings me and the love that fills my heart for them! To imagine that God loves me more than I love my own children is beyond my comprehension. I wonder how I could possibly be worthy of his love and I remember that It is only because of Christ!
I pray for these precious girls all the time. I pray for safety, health and happiness. I pray that Chris and I can bring them up to love and serve The Lord. I pray for their future husbands. I pray when I'm worried about them and when I just want to thank God for the joy they bring me!
Zoey has got quite the personality! She asks hundreds of questions every day and always seems to test boundaries. She is one curious little monkey.
We have switched Isabelle to cloth diapers recently and I have to say I really like it! I wish I had done it with Zoey but I was scared (and a little grossed out at the idea of them). I have several different kinds and so far I really like the Kawaii pocket diapers with Velcro! They are pretty easy (even Chris can use them)!
Potty training with Zoey is going well. We aren't pushing it too hard yet but she goes almost every time we put her on the potty and she even asks to go sometimes!!! Avengers stickers still seem to work as a great potty prize!!
The Springdale high school marching band is going to Washington for a 4th of July parade so they have been practicing... Every morning this past week at 8:30 they marched right by our house and then half an hour later they marched back by! Zoey LOVED it!! We would go out every morning and she would wave her American flag as they passed by. She asks about the "boom boom drums" a lot now.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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