Friday, November 25, 2011

Six months old TODAY!

My sweet girl,
I can't believe you are SIX MONTHS OLD! My goodness how time flies.
You just started eating rice cereal this week (on the 23rd) and you did so well! You have been watching people eat with great fascination for about a month now and it has been so cute. You really seemed to know what you were doing and never got upset (except when we wouldn't let you feed yourself).
You have been sitting on your own so well for the last several weeks. You are trying to sit up when we lay you down and you are almost there!
You haven't started teething but I expect that soon. You have been really fussy the last several nights and not hardly sleeping for longer than an hour at a time. I am wondering if that is a sign that the teeth are coming.
Overall you are still a great baby. You smile and laugh a lot!
You have developed a really "nasty cough" that is always bad when you are wanting attention but it goes away when someone starts loving on you. Sometimes your daddy and I will be playing with you and we will "cough" and you will copy us.
You are slowly starting to reach for people, two weeks ago we were at lunch with Auntie and Granny Jordan and you reached right for Granny (she was thrilled)!
You think everything is a toy for you to play with and chew on! You reach for phones, coffee cups, the dogs, pretty much anything you can reach.
Your Mammie has been making caramel corn a lot here lately and you LOVE to watch the air popper pop that popcorn! You can hear it start up from the living room and your arms and legs start going! It is pretty fun to watch!
You have your 6 month checkup on Tuesday and your daddy and I have off the whole day to spend some time with you. I am really hoping you don't have to get shots this time because I hate seeing you so upset :(
You are such a sweet and beautiful girl! I enjoy every second I get to spend with you! I love you sweet baby girl! Happy half birthday!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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