Has anyone ever approached you out of the blue and tried to sell you on some new diet? What about your friends on facebook that are starting an at home business and they want you to try their new wonder drug? I know I have! Some aren't pushy, they share their own personal stories on their own facebook wall and leave it at that. Great, thank you for not pushing it on me! It's the ones that text, email, call or even the strangers that approach you on the street that get on my nerves. You may not realize it but singling someone out and basically saying, "Hey, you're fat and I want your money." is really bad business!
I say all of this to tell you about an encounter at the park the other day... I was with my girls at the playground making mom smalltalk with another mom (I'd never seen this woman before in my life) when a man approached her and started talking about the company he was part of... it was a pyramid weight loss company and he told her it was the thing for her. HOW INSULTING! I stood there for a second while he talked and she politely nodded and told him she was using a different system under the watchful eye of a doctor but he kept pushing... That was when I finally stepped in and (much less politely) told him that we were not interested and to have a nice day. He finally left and I could tell it had upset my new friend.
I wanted to kick him in the shins for making this beautiful woman feel bad about herself! I was so mad you guys! Like we don't already have enough from hollywood airbrushing and all the ads in our faces on TV, in magazines and online telling us that we need to be a size 2 to be happy, now we have random people at the park trying to get us to buy into the latest pyramid scheme diet!? For real??? People that go into a business to try to help people lose weight (while making money) need to go through some people skills training first, approaching a person you've never met and telling them that your weight loss program is right for them isn't a good way to win friends and influence people! It IS a good way to get punched in the face though!
I get it, most Americans have a few extra pounds than are probably necessary. I know I would like to lose 20 pounds or so but I also know that I love Nutella and don't have a lot of time to get my flabby booty to the gym as often as I need to. We could all stand to live a healthier lifestyle but that doesn't give anyone the right to walk into a stranger's life for 5 minutes and tear them down in the hopes that you can make a few bucks!
We are all children of the KING (whether we accept him or not) and that makes us special. The size of our jeans, the color of our skin, hair or eyes, the brand of shades we wear or the number on the scale have little to do with the kind of people we are... it's the inside that counts!
I am about 5' 3" tall, I weigh 168 pounds (as of yesterday), I have brown hair and saggy, nursing mom boobs but I am a child of God! I am happy! I am SAVED by His grace! HE makes me worthy and HE loves me! I don't need the approval of random strangers (or even people I know).
So all you folks that sell stuff from home in a "multi level marketing" business, I'm happy you have found something you like, I really am! Those Thirty-One bags are cute, Mary Kay has some pretty nice makeup, I am glad Juice Plus works for you! Just work on your approach and PLEASE don't be pushy! If somebody says, "no thanks" you need to move on. And maybe don't approach me and my friends with a new weight loss potion because I might light your hair on fire with my jedi powers!