My precious baby girl,
I cannot believe that you are already a year old! I never knew time could go by so fast! You are truly more beautiful and more fun every day!
We have had family in for your birthday party (held on Saturday the 19th), your great grandparents came in from Texas and stayed for a week! It was so nice to spend time with them. Your aunt Ayesha and your cousins came all the way from Georgia! They will be here for a couple more weeks! You love to pull your cousins' hair... They don't love it as much :-/
You are learning new things almost daily! Today you started making kissing sounds when I make them at you and earlier this week when I blew you a kiss you blew one back to me!!
You love the clock at Granny and Papa Cooke's and will say "clock" when it starts singing every hour!
Today I picked a doll up off of the floor at their house and covered it up with your owl blanket and you leaned down and kissed the doll on the face! So sweet!!
You wave at everyone and you love to clap! When I put you down for a nap you "sing" yourself to sleep.
You have been cutting some teeth on top (you have two on the bottom right now) and they are really bothering you :( you cry and cry all of the sudden and shove your whole hand into your mouth.
You hardly want to be fed anymore because you want to do it yourself! Big girl!!
I never in a million years thought that such a tiny person could hold such a big piece of my heart! You are a beautiful girl Zoey and I can't wait to share your childhood with you!
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