You found the toys hanging off of your car seat yesterday and it was so fun to watch you bat at them! I took a video of you with my phone and I have been watching it over and over :)
I love you sweet Zoey!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, October 10, 2011
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Having a baby changes everything
Having a baby doesn't just change the amount of sleep you get per night!
I truly thought I had an idea of what motherhood would be like while I was pregnant. I figured I wouldn't get as much sleep (boy was I right), I would change a lot of diapers (right again) and I knew I would love her more than anything(duh). But I wasn't expecting it to change ME!
Since Zoey was born I have changed what kind of music I listen to and the movies I watch. I never liked movies with bad language but now I am much more sensitive to it. Jokes and TV shows I thought were funny before just aren't funny anymore (sorry Family Guy). I am constantly thinking "is that the example I want to set for my daughter?".
As a nursing mom I think about what I eat and drink a lot more (this started during pregnancy). Picking snap peas and carrot sticks over potato chips with lunch and only having one cup of coffee a day is not how I use to roll. I still eat chocolate though (hey, I'm still a woman).
Going to the movies and eating out don't happen as much these days because 8:30 is bath and bed time. We go to early service at church now because Zoey does better if we can get her home and down for a nap by 10:30.
I rarely run errands after work any more because I'm ready to get home and see Zoey!
I spend less money and put more in savings so that maybe one day I can stay home (at least part time) with Zoey.
I try to keep the house a little cleaner and I usually do household chores late at night while the rest of the house is sleeping. I have to make sure we have clean bottles so I can take some to work to pump with and Zoey will have some to drink out of.
I feel a great need to get organized (I've never felt that way) and am trying hard to find ways to do it!
I also feel the urge to "journal" about the things that are going on in our lives so that one day Zoey can read all about it.
I'm one of those annoying people that talks about my child as much as I can... Get over it :-P
I see my husband in a whole new way after seeing what a great father he is (he truly is a natural).
Who knew that motherhood could change a person so much?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I truly thought I had an idea of what motherhood would be like while I was pregnant. I figured I wouldn't get as much sleep (boy was I right), I would change a lot of diapers (right again) and I knew I would love her more than anything(duh). But I wasn't expecting it to change ME!
Since Zoey was born I have changed what kind of music I listen to and the movies I watch. I never liked movies with bad language but now I am much more sensitive to it. Jokes and TV shows I thought were funny before just aren't funny anymore (sorry Family Guy). I am constantly thinking "is that the example I want to set for my daughter?".
As a nursing mom I think about what I eat and drink a lot more (this started during pregnancy). Picking snap peas and carrot sticks over potato chips with lunch and only having one cup of coffee a day is not how I use to roll. I still eat chocolate though (hey, I'm still a woman).
Going to the movies and eating out don't happen as much these days because 8:30 is bath and bed time. We go to early service at church now because Zoey does better if we can get her home and down for a nap by 10:30.
I rarely run errands after work any more because I'm ready to get home and see Zoey!
I spend less money and put more in savings so that maybe one day I can stay home (at least part time) with Zoey.
I try to keep the house a little cleaner and I usually do household chores late at night while the rest of the house is sleeping. I have to make sure we have clean bottles so I can take some to work to pump with and Zoey will have some to drink out of.
I feel a great need to get organized (I've never felt that way) and am trying hard to find ways to do it!
I also feel the urge to "journal" about the things that are going on in our lives so that one day Zoey can read all about it.
I'm one of those annoying people that talks about my child as much as I can... Get over it :-P
I see my husband in a whole new way after seeing what a great father he is (he truly is a natural).
Who knew that motherhood could change a person so much?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Thursday, October 6, 2011
October 5th
Oh sweet Zoey, I truly love every minute I get to spend with you. I wish that I could spend every waking moment with you and see every smile and calm every meltdown. Hopefully one day soon I will be able to find something that will allow me to either work less hours or work from home.
It is so hard to leave you every morning! Some days are so hard I cry and other days I think "I can do this" and then I realize I left my pump bottles at home and I cry because I don't have it all together.
I hope I am a good mommy for you and that you always know how much I love you.
You are such an amazing little person! You keep trying to sit up and before we know it you are going to have a 6 pack with all the crunches you do!
You chew and drool on EVERYTHING! You will be holding my finger and before I know it it is in your mouth. If you are holding a blanket or toy it is almost defiantly in your mouth.
You think it is funny when I blow zerberts on your belly and when I hold you up like "Super Baby".
Sometimes you gurgle and I'll gurgle back at you... It's like our own secret language :)
I can't believe how fast Time has flown by! It feels like you were just born but at the same time it feels like forever ago since you were born.
You rolled over once about two weeks ago on our bed while I was turning on a movie. Your daddy said you did it again last night but I didn't get to see.
You've been sleeping a little better!! You have only been waking up once or twice the last few nights :)
You think Sammy and Lexi are soft and you reach out to touch them if they get close.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
It is so hard to leave you every morning! Some days are so hard I cry and other days I think "I can do this" and then I realize I left my pump bottles at home and I cry because I don't have it all together.
I hope I am a good mommy for you and that you always know how much I love you.
You are such an amazing little person! You keep trying to sit up and before we know it you are going to have a 6 pack with all the crunches you do!
You chew and drool on EVERYTHING! You will be holding my finger and before I know it it is in your mouth. If you are holding a blanket or toy it is almost defiantly in your mouth.
You think it is funny when I blow zerberts on your belly and when I hold you up like "Super Baby".
Sometimes you gurgle and I'll gurgle back at you... It's like our own secret language :)
I can't believe how fast Time has flown by! It feels like you were just born but at the same time it feels like forever ago since you were born.
You rolled over once about two weeks ago on our bed while I was turning on a movie. Your daddy said you did it again last night but I didn't get to see.
You've been sleeping a little better!! You have only been waking up once or twice the last few nights :)
You think Sammy and Lexi are soft and you reach out to touch them if they get close.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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